But today seems different.
Besides training, there is dinner, yet another awesome bunch of trackers for company, an inspirational movie screening thereafter and friendly msn conversations.
And of course, another list of things to be thankful for on this beautiful Friday:
` waking up at 11 cause its an off-day from work
` soya bread
` strawberry yogurette stick
` apples and papayas
` bread with marmalade
` reduced haze i think?
` time
` a nice leisure swim
` hydro with my awesome long D mates
` frisbee in the water
` mc chicken
` laughter
` music by glee!
` that inspirational movie screening
` stroll with john and gab towards yck station
` snapple apple
` iphone
` Zamree's always-very-nice compliments in facebook.
` encouragement

is yogurette nice?
Very nice! Go try! Its not sickly sweet, just perfect.
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