Friday, January 30, 2009

alright people, this is definite.
life is absolutely wonderful with studio and other bloody modules still hankering in our midst and draining all design students' lives away.

cant wait for all these deadlines to be over. but first i got to keep my work in continous progress which is really hard to. Focusing is getting so hard these days.

anyway, for a change, it felt good to actually do a little chilling out with weebee today after school after being deprived of having a almost daily nice quiet tea after school with her, just procrastinating and complaining bout all our design projects. So, we headed to Spinelli at great world for tea in the evening and we couldnt stop our mouths from talking bout everything under the sun.

Ooh and i bought mini chasoba takeout from the kuriya fish market downstairs too! yay me, you could not believe how much i love cha soba and how long ive not eaten it.
Heh, wb bought some of her fave salmon-related treats too:]

gonna teach Rach some guitar skills i know tmr morning for worship and then off to work in the noon.

alright, back to discuss comm skills with the ladies!

Friday, January 23, 2009

alright, so first things first,
im plain lazy.

secondly, i see no point to blog if i ain't got nothing else better to relate about.

thirdly, ive been overwhelmed or shall i say seriously overloaded with projects to keep me busy with.

and lastly, my nights are way too short and time spent with the laptop is reducing way low.

till then, my everyday is just absolutely the same.
i should really start living up to my new year resolutions and stop what im currently or habitually doing.

argh, i need an aspirin.