thursday's : during zalina's class which was Environment Design , we had an excursion to: yeap the Peranakan museum at Armenian Street! and its a really nice place with its rich cultural heritage of the perankans and all! i didnt know Dick Lee was a Peranakan! ehh peranakans really reminded me of the late olden school days of SCGS. like finally! i took pics with my new phone , the quality being unexpectedly not bad:] these are my girls with the cookies i got em'. hope you girls liked it , with wholesome love. heh yeap aren't they cute sitting in steps? the gorgeous outlook of the museum! with cool graffiti at the side wall of its outside.:
fen and me with wierd fringe:/ and i realised how long it was since i last took pictures with my dearest friends. dear fathin and muaaa. okay and thats me! the other girlfriends looking bored here haha. ready, set, goooo!
chrissyyy and meee! elaine and meeee! we seemed to share the same kind of eyes:] haha elaine being all cool here in total solitude! love her green skinnies luh. and we headed on to Cafe Momentum, which was just located beside the museum while waiting for the bus to arrive! big loving thanks to Zalina who treated us drinks at this cafe! your kindness is truly appreciated by each and every one of us here :D
and i simply love the cafeeee, look at its wide variety of designed aesthetically clocks on display! they even had coms for usage! a definitely pleasant place to just chill, surf the net and have coffee! we drew these: yayness to the excursion! more pics to be uploaded , thanks elaine for sending all those really dramatically funny pictures from ure pretty macbook. and not forgetting those edited ones you kindly created!
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