or should i say to frustrate me haha.
i was at raffles place mrt station awaiting the crowded train to go to tiong.
and wow wee, all the office workers working at raffles area, which i think is the most prominent working district, were like squeezing in between others JUST FOR THE purpose of getting near the door. and yes the MRT DOORS.
yeah so that they could get a spot in there, among the bodies of others.
im like duhhhhh wads up with these dudes!
argh i never want to be one of those office workers in suits and skirts. never.
so i was squashed in the train real bad coming into contact with these workers. and my huge bag was practically on the floor, i hand carried it .
and worse still, i was under the armpit of this indian guy. NO RACISM! and no offence but eww?
im under the armpit of someone? but hey there was NO B.O. fortunately.
eh ANYWAY! today was working out day! had fun with ah gbuu and ah rofl though i had cramps argh. but hey who cares! i have friends who care for me.
lots of loves and the many thankyous to chris who kindly brought me this ginger herbal tea thing that can ease the pain! thanks to her dad who brewed it! :]
and ure salad made with love! its so tasty! eh da salad dressing~ fen liked it too! whee except da tomatoes haha.
and thanks to both of these lovely girls who showered so much care for me!
and to see me take the mrt home safely from bishan!
see chris beautifully made salad! haha we ate it in the toilet. nice smelling toilet to be exact!
but its yummyyyyy.
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