Wednesday, July 4, 2007

had 8 FULL WHOLE hours of sleep yesterday.
its was so WHOLESOME.
yet i still feel so so so tired..i donno why luh.

deprived of so much sleep for da past few days that i gotta take at least 20 more hours of sleep to make up for it. its never gonna end, will it?
yawns. :[

ERGO grp project due TODAY! ohmygawd.
and we are still pretty far behind. but oh c'mon, we can DO IT! i guess and at least, i hope.
but we are all so sleepy luhs! even kamilliya had a bad headache alr!

stayed back to do some more ppt slides. and survey thing.
but seriously, im really clueless about whatever to do with the principles stuff.
as in i CANT apply those principles learnt at all.
guess i din pay enough attention during ERGO lecture eh. sorry mr tanheek!

gonna send da file to mr tan at 11.59pm! wahaha. before 12 midnight at least if not it will be late work. waiting for liya and chris to go online~

OHH> and i went to bishan's junction 8 todaee for my VERY FIRST TIME i think.
its a pretty nice place though! not at all boring like wad fennie said.
maybe i haven reach to that level of sianness yet. like ad tiong. EWW:p

i like everything bout da bishan's toilet. all except the toilet paper. its too rough!
ate long john's. :]
and as usual made my wae hm thru toapayoh wid my heavy stuff.

i think i shrank/

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